Freudian Smells of Summer

I blinked a few times and now it's July - how can it be???  Maybe I have been bestowed with the power of moving at warp speed at the mere hint of an eyelash flutter!

Well it's been hectic, but I have managed to:

  • Teach a  hand cream workshop with the lovely Borough Belles WI (@boroughbelles) at the Garden Museum
Frankincense handcream - WI workshop at The Garden Museum

Frankincense handcream - WI workshop at The Garden Museum

  • Grab a chance to smell the roses at Regents Park during my Natural Perfumery Weekend at Regent's University.

This one is suitably named 'Absolutely Fabulous' and it is DiVIne

AbFab frag! heavenly scented roses at Regent's Park, London

AbFab frag! heavenly scented roses at Regent's Park, London

  • Then indulge in birthday cocktails and bubbly with friends - I DO recommend this potent beauty …
'Expresso Martini' instant energy in 3 sips!

'Expresso Martini' instant energy in 3 sips!

  • Sit around a campfire drinking Sangria until 4am with my family, my jumper still smells of Kentish bonfire smoke.  I just LOVE a Summer birthday!!

Putting my social life aside for a moment, why not capture your own Smells of Summer?  I have a couple of EVENTS coming up this month, which you can check out here on my workshops page.  To book please follow the links below:

Saturday 5th July

This Saturday I shall be at the Freud Museum delivering a morning workshop on the nature of memory and scent, to coincide with an exhibition by A R Hopwood's  'The False Memory Archive'.

Pensive Proust and floating Madeleines

Pensive Proust and floating Madeleines

Click the link below for further info and to book via the Freud Museum:

Memories are made of this …. or are they?

Saturday 12th July

I shall be at Treadwell's again the following week for a day of Natural Perfumery.  Ideal for  the smell curious, come along and create your own portable fragrance to keep you smelling sweet and seductive through the Summer, and if you are doing the Festival rounds its a beauty must-have!

vintage perfume vials

vintage perfume vials

To find out more and to book tickets click here.

Right, I am off to prepare some scented silk and organise some Soap Making materials …. until the next round of cocktails, have a lovely week - chin, chin!