Scent inspirations

Superscent Me

Superscent Me

The witching hour is nigh, All Hallows' Eve is almost upon us and I'm in a ruminative mood.  We are all aware of the power of scent to trigger a memory, a feeling- scent has a hotline to our...

Beauty Secrets Workshop

Beauty Secrets Workshop

Here is a belated write up of my morning workshop in August at Hampton Court Palace, as part of the events to run alongside their ‘The Wild,  the Beautiful and the Damned’ exhibition.

Pre-Raphaelites - Astarte Syriaca

Pre-Raphaelites - Astarte Syriaca

I have been enamoured of the Pre-Raphaelite movement since I was 10 years old, when I received a birthday card of a Pre-Raphaelite print (I think it was ‘The Bower’), and many more were to follow!  

Wake up and smell the coffee ..

On a Saturday afternoon, I am standing on the steps of St Michaels Church on Cornhill, near Bank  meeting other coffee and history lovers, ready to embark on a Coffee House Tour of the City...